7 amazing facts about black holes.

1. Today we are well aware those Black holes are the objects that have a greater gravity than any other object in the universe. But do you know why they are known by the word “Black hole”? Of course, black holes were predicted a hundred years ago. But the word black hole was first used by the American astronomers John Wheeler In 1967.

2. The temperature of the accretion disc outside a blackhole can reach millions of degree Celsius. But you may surprise to know that studies have shown that the central temperature of a supermassive black hole can be up to 1.4×10-14 kelvin. This is an extremely freezing temperature. This temperature is very close to absolute zero but not equal to absolute zero. In fact the absolute zero temperature is -273015 Celsius. At this temperature, the movement of atoms stops completely. If we talk about the coldest place, it is NASA’s Cold Atom Laboratory with a temperature of -273 degree Celsius. This is also exactly one degree less than absolute zero. Maybe that’s why black holes are so stable. Because they completely stop the movement of the particles of information contain within them. 

7 amazing facts about black holes.

3. As the black holes continue to increase their size by absorbing matter. But Black holes also emit radiation, as described by Stephen Hawking. This radiation is called hawking radiation. Emitting radiation continuously reduce the mass of the Black hole. Due to which the size of the Black hole constantly is decreasing. However, Hawking radiation has not yet been detected experimentally. To do this we need to create a black hole at a subatomic level which is not possible at the moment. This shows that black holes are also destroyed. They also do not live forever in this universe. 

4. Do you know what is the most massive Black hole ever discovered? At the moment it is TON 618 which is an extremely bright quasar. And it exists a great distance from us. According to the scientist, its mass is estimated to be equal to 66 billion solar masses. Its unparalleled brilliance may surprise you. In fact, it is as bright as 140 trillion suns. We can estimate its magnitude from the fact that its Schwarzschild radius is equal to about 1,300 astronomical unit. Its distance from us is more than 10 billion light years. It was discovered in the year 1970 and is present in the constellation Canes Venatici.   

7 amazing facts about black holes.

5. You already know about the most massive Black hole. Now let’s talk about the Black hole discovered so far away from us. Its name is ULASJ1342+0922. It is the oldest known super massive black hole in the universe. This black hole is more than 13 billion light years away from us. In addition, this black hole is present in the constellation Boötes. Its distance from us is so great that its redshift is 7.54. This black hole must have formed about 700 million years after the creation of this universe. It was discovered in 2017 with the help of combined data from the Wild field infrared survey explorer       and Las Compands Observatory and several ground based observatories. The age of this super massive black poses a challenge to the scientist’s knowledge of the formation of a black hole because this black hole was formed only 700 million years after the universe.  

7 amazing facts about black holes.

6. In addition to predicting black holes. Einstein also predicted the existence of White Holes. Today we have come to know about the existence of black holes and also those of them actually exists. The Scientist believes that a white hole exists just like a black hole. These white holes are the exact opposite of black holes. Which are probably opened by going to another universe or somewhere in space? Many scientists believe that the big bang was actually a white hole explosion that brought so much matter into the universe. If the white holes actually exist then we can understand what happen to the information that goes inside the black hole. It is connected to the black hole through a tunnel called a Wormhole.

7. Did you know that you can’t even see an object falling into a black hole for the rest of your life. This is due to time dilation. Because everyone knows that the gravity of a black hole is very high. They have the power to twist the space-time fabric around them. Due to which the time around the black hole passes very slowly. But near its Event Horizon, time would stop completely. So if an object is going into it, it will first be pulled like a long wire and then go to its Event Horizon and seem to be completely stopped when we are looking at it from a distance. But the object must have absorbed into it at the same time but for our eyes, that object is still present at its Event Horizon.       



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