10 Unique Fun Facts About Light Particles.

1. Light is a type of electromagnetic radiation. Which the humans eye can easily see. Light, particles and wave can be occur simultaneously in nature. Whatever natural light we see that makes us see everything we get from our sun. There are many types of light for example: Infrared Light, x-rays light, Gamma rays, Ultraviolet light.

10 Unique Fun Facts About Light Particles.

2. The speed of light in highest in space or vacuum. Because these light particles are completely massless. Unlike all other particles, these particles do not interact with the Higgs Field at all. So they travel in space at the speed of 2.99792 km/PS. Because massless particles can travel in space at the same speed.

3. Infrared Light was discovered by William Herschel. In infrared light infra means ‘below’ in Latin. Because it is below red spectrum of light. This light is invisible, we cannot see it with our naked eyes. We just feel the heat of it. 

The difference in light is due to the wavelength. With difference light we can see qualities present in things. For example: with the gamma ray we can see explosions in distant galaxies in space that are not normally visible.

 Gamma ray considered by astronomers to be the most powerful thing. And x-rays light almost everyone knew what it is used for.

4. The speed of light particles is the highest but not infinite. We can see things because light collides with them and reaches our eyes. So it’s hard to believe but what we see is something we’ve been seeing for a few Nano seconds in the past.

 As the difference increases, so does the time difference. For example: the moon orbits Earth at a distance of 3,80,000 km from our Earth and speed of light is 299,792 km/PS so it only takes 1.2 seconds for the light to hit moon reach us. This means we will always see the moon 1.2 second older from the earth.

 We can only see things in the past. Whatever light we see in the night sky, that light is many years or even centuries old. If we look at the nearest star system Proxima Centauri with a telescope which is only 4 light years away then we will see that it is 4 years old. 

5. It is strange that when light particles are forms by fusion of atoms of hydrogen and helium in core of the sun, it takes thousands of years for them to reach from the core to the surface of the sun.

 To us it only takes 8 minutes because particles react more with the matter in the sun. So the light we feel or see on the earth is thousands of years old. Things aren’t as simple as they seem. Only by knowing them in depth can one know how much there is in them to know. 

6. Only light particles can travel at the speed of light. If we could travel up to 99.9999% of the speed of light, time would be much slower for us than for other. And if we reach 100% of the speed of light time will stop completely of us. 

But that is impossible. If an object other the light tries to move at this speed the mass of that object will continue to increase and become infinite. And to move the infinite mass forward, infinite energy will be needed which is not even present in this entire Universe.

7. Every second in the world, Lighting strikes the earth’s surface 100 times. As a result more than, 1000 people die each year. 

8. Light is very important to us as it makes us see thing and also gives us warmth. This allows the plants to photosynthesis and release oxygen inside them. Plants, trees can’t do that without light. Natural Sunlight gives us vitamin D which is very important to us.

9. Scientist detects stars in galaxies by incoming light from that star. Only by looking at the colour spectrum of the light of that star can they find out what the star or planet is made of and what is present on it. They do this from the black lines in that colour spectrum. They also indicate that a planet or galaxy is moving away or approaching us. 

10. The sun is the main source of light and energy on our planet. Electricity can also be generated from this light. This is called solar energy. It can meet the huge demand for electricity on earth and most important it does not cause any kind of pollution.

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