
           I am 19 years old, and I am about to complete my graduation. Through this blog I write my articles on topics like Astronomy, Dark matter, Dark energy and Particle physics like God particle. Considering the new questions that arise about them. From the beginning I was curious about such topics and asking questions related to these topics. Even since I was a child, I have been fascinated by the bright stars in the night sky. I came up with the idea create this blog from a YouTube video ad.

That’s when I came up with the idea of blogging. So I created my own website on blogger. I chose this subject even though I had never been taught one in my school. So I am always looking forward to the upcoming science documentaries on TV and every single sci-fi film. I love astronomy because I’ve heard somewhere that astronomy makes a person humble and character. We should respect the stars because we are made of their dust and all that. I did it because I thought maybe I could do it and I should.

Name- Gurvik Sidhu

State- Punjab, India

Pin code- 144041

Email Address-amanpreet781274@gmail.com





8 Things You Must Know About James Webb Space Telescope.

5 Magnificent Galaxies - Facts & Information

What We Need To Know About Rigel Star.