5 Most Beautiful And Famous Nebula Of The Universe | 2021

Every day new discoveries and objects discovered in space. One of these is the Nebula. Nebulas are a very special part of creation. Today we are on this Earth only because of the Nebula. Our star, the earth and whatever is part of our solar system would once have been in the nebula only in the form of gas and dust.

All the stars and planets are formed in the nebula. By the way, the nebulas itself look like a different and beautiful. Because the irregular expanding gas in it gives it a beautiful shape. It can be of many types. Like Emission nebula, they are the most colourful because they contain ionized gases. Due to this they emit light of different wavelengths. There are other similar nebulae, such as Planetary Nebula, the reflection nebula, the dark nebula and supernova Remnants.

The Hubble Space Telescope was launched on April, 24 1990 and has performed millions of observations in interstellar space and is doing. It doesn’t know how much beautiful nebula it has captured. Whose beauty is unmatched. So today we will try to find out about some of these wonderful nebulas. If we talk about their vastness then they can be spread over many light years.


5 Most Beautiful And Famous Nebula Of The Universe | 2021

 Image Credit-https://www.rawpixel.com/image/440098/the-eagle-nebula

 This Nebula is located 7000 light years from earth.  The first person to see it was Jean Philippe De Cheseaux. Then, in 1995, Jeff Hester and Paul Scowen photographed it through the Hubble Space Telescope. This brought it true beauty before us.  It is also called the pillars of creation. The mass of the Eagle Nebula is equal to 12000 solar messes. Scientists say it maybe 5.5 million years old. When viewed in ultraviolet light, it appears that stars are still forming in some of its region. 

But why aren’t Stars being formed in all its regions?  More than 8000 stars are part of this Nebula. This means that the stars that have been formed in it. An in-depth study has revealed that its brightest star is HD-168076. At the moment this Nebula is part of a diffuse emission Nebula. This Nebula is also known as M16.  At the moment let's talk about why stars are not being formed in it now and why it's only happening in a few areas. 

An infrared telescope called the Spitzer Space Telescope was a launched in 2003. From the observations made by this telescope, scientists have come to the conclusion that they have detected hot gas in it. Scientists say the Eagle Nebula has been destroyed for thousands of years ago. The presence of a supernova in nearby stars would have created a shockwave that would have destroyed its pillars. It is currently 7,000 light years away. 

So from the Earth we will always see it 7,000 years old. This is because of thespeed of light particles. The shockwave must have been slowly passing through it, which must have destroyed its amazing shape. But some areas of it may have survived. In which new stars are being formed. So we can say that most of it was destroyed 8000 to 9000 years ago. The gas and dust in it were probably not dense enough to withstand a rising star shockwave.  This Nebula is located in the constellation Serpens.


5 Most Beautiful And Famous Nebula Of The Universe | 2021
The Helix Nebula is a planetary nebula. Such a nebula is formed when a supernova explodes in an old star. The star takes on the form of supernova with an explosion after they have passed their live. Such stars have consumed all their fuel. After this they take the form of White Dwarf. The Helix Nebula was in the form of a star and when it exploded it threw a huge amount of gas and dust into interstellar space. Its shapes look like an eye. 

So that’s why it is also called “The Eye of God”. Its beautiful shape adds to interest in space. At gas and dust release after such an event contains a large amount of ionized gases such as hydrogen, carbon, helium, oxygen etc. All of these elements are essential to building a solar system. All the stars and planets we see today are made up of such dust and gases. The Scientist says The Helix Nebula was a sun sized star more than 10,000 years ago. Which we see today as a nebula.

The Helix Nebula is about 655 light-years from us and is in the constellation Aquarius. This Nebula was a discovered by Karl Ludwig Harding. Karl Ludwig discovered it in the 18th century. Observations by Spitzer Space Telescope show that its centre, the white dwarf star, is quite energetic. Which emits ultraviolet radiation. This ultraviolet radiation is a constantly heating its extruded layers. Due to this the white dwarf star appears to glow. 

The gas and dust clouds in this Nebula have spread over an area of about 2.87 light years. This enabler has grown so large, and we can estimate it from the fact that it would take more than two years for light to travel from one end to the other.  Of course, this white dwarf star is about the size of our Earth, but could be more massive than the sun. Our sun will form a similar star after billions of years. The Helix Nebula is one of the nearest nebula to earth and even the brightest. This nebula looks quite similar to the cat's eye Nebula. However, The Helix Nebula is one of the most beautiful and attractive object.  This Nebula is also known as NGC 7293.  


5 Most Beautiful And Famous Nebula Of The Universe | 2021
The crab Nebula is one of the celestial objects we have been witnessing since ancient times. Many years ago it was thought that in a Supernova, Nova meant new, meaning the birth of new stars. But now we know that it is not the birth of new stars but their end. There are supernovas in every second in the universe. But after the death of a star, a lot would be left behind. The same is true with the crab Nebula. Its name doesn't match it because it doesn't look like a crab. Yet it has an amazing structure in space. Evidence of this first found in a Chinese astronomy in 1054.

It would have started as the end of a star. In addition, it was clearly visible from earth at that time for about two years. But they did not know at the time that the light that appeared suddenly was actually a Supernova. Crab Nebula is a supernova remnant Nebula. After the explosion, it randomly threw all its dust and gas into the interstellar space and took on such a beautiful shape. It was discovered in 1731 by an English astronomer John Bevis. Then in 1844 William Parsons discovered the existence of this Nebula with the help of his 36-inch telescope and named it the crab Nebula. At the moment, this is about 6,523 light years away from us and is in the constellation Taurus. Its size is quite large. It covers an area of about 5.5 million light years. Of course this is a Supernova remnant and even then its Apparent magnitude is +8.4. The reason for its brightness is its centre with the presence of a very energetic Pulsar.

5 Most Beautiful And Famous Nebula Of The Universe | 2021
A Pulsar

This Pulsar emits very powerful radio waves and gamma rays. Which makes the crab Nebula a very bright object. Its Pulsar rotates very fast.  It rotates 30 times a second due to its excessive self-gravity. Pulses are the most powerful source of electromagneticradiation. Despite having a diameter of 25 to 30 kilometres, its mass is 1.5 Times that of the Sun.  It releases up to 70,000 times more energy than the sun.  Due to the release of radio waves, in 1967 a team of scientists thought it was a signal from an advanced alien civilization. This Nebula is spreading at a speed of 1500 kilometres per hour. The magnetic field of its rotating Pulsar is billions of time more powerful than the sun. Even then it's just a remnant of a dead star. But its presence in this crab Nebula greatly enhances its beauty.


5 Most Beautiful And Famous Nebula Of The Universe | 2021
Nothing in the universe is immortal. Everything is made of it and taken back by it. Everything must end someday. The cat's eye Nebula was formerly a sun like a star. After its death today we see this beautiful structure. There is no doubt that the cat's eye Nebula is a work of art in itself. It is also known as NGC 6543. It was first discovered by William Herschel in 1786. 

The cat's eye Nebula is the first Nebula to be observed by William Huggins Through a spectroscope. In it, we study the light coming from an object and determine its properties. We can clearly see the beauty in its detail image taken by Hubble Space Telescope. Through the Hubble Space Telescope we have received considerable information about NGC 6543. 

Its distance from the earth is about 3,262 light years. It presents in the Northern constellation Draco. Needless to say, the cat's eye Nebula is a planetary Nebula. According to scientists, it may be about a thousand years old. As we know, no they contain hydrogen and helium gases that can spread over millions of light year. Later, this dust and gases are very important for the birth of a star. It also has a white dwarf star at its centre.

 A sun shaped star has thrown its outer layers into interstellar space at a speed of 4 million per hour with the material inside it. Excessive hot gas has been detected in this nebula by Chandra x-ray observatory. It looks very attractive, but its structure is considerable to be very complex. It’s a central star emit Stellar wind all the times at a speed of 1900 kilometre per second.  Which produces too many X-rays. Because of this the inner bubble of NGC 6543 e Nebula is becoming hollow. The reason why it looks so bright is because of it central star. Calling it the cat's eye Nebula, it is clear that its structure resembles that of an eye. The diffusion of gas and dust of IT in this shape greatly enhances its beauty.


5 Most Beautiful And Famous Nebula Of The Universe | 2021
You must be heard of the Orion Nebula. It is one of the most widely observed astronomical objects by astronomers. In fact, it is part of a very popular constellation Orion. We can clearly see this constellation in the night sky with the naked eyes. It is located south of this Orion Belt. Its Apparent magnitude is + 4.0, so it can be seen with any ordinary telescope. In addition to being beautiful, it has a very large structure. In terms of its diameter, it is estimated to be 24 light years. In fact, this Nebula is the closest massive star formation region near Earth.

Its distance from earth is only 1,344 light years away. Inside the Orion Nebula there is a very young open cluster. Many massive stars are born in it. About 700 stars are forming in this Nebula at different stages. This is nothing new. This Nebula is about two thousand times as massive as our Sun. This Nebula is a very large in the Orion molecular cloud Complex Nebula. This means that the region in which most stars are formed. The Orion Nebula is also known as messier 42. The Nebula was discovered by Christiaan Huygens November 26, 1610. Christiaan also discovered Titan, the largest moon on Saturn. 

The gas and dust clouds present in the Nebula form a very amazing structure full stop the Hubble Space Telescope has taken many images of it. This has given us a lot of information. The stars in it are constantly emitting charged particles. This is what we call Stellar winds. Massive young stars keep emitting very powerful Stellar winds in this nebula. Which moves like a shock wave in this Nebula. This causes the gas present in it to expand in a wave pattern.



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