7 Amazing Facts About Space

1. Our time is determined by the rotation of the earth. The earth completes one Revolution around it in about 24 hours. This means that it has 84,400 seconds in 24 hours.  But recently scientists have suggested that the Earth’s speed is slightly faster than normal. Because of this our day is ending a little early. Scientists now have such accurate clocks that they can detect a difference of a thousandth of a second. It is now assumed that the earth has been rotating a bit faster on its axis in the last 50 years and has decreased by 0.05 milliseconds in an average day. Of course, it doesn't seem like much. In addition, July 19,  2020 saw a decrease of 1.44602 millisecond in 24 hours in the day.

7 Amazing Facts About Space

2. According to scientists, the maximum temperature in this universe can be 1.42×1032 Celsius. That's 142 nonillion degrees Celsius. This means that this higher temperature can never be achieved. This is also called Planck temperature. There can be no higher temperature in this universe than this. It is believed that the temperature may have been the same during the big bang. It is impossible for us to produce this temperature. Scientists have so far set a record by 5, 500, 000,000, 000 degree Celsius inside the Large Hadron Collider.

7 Amazing Facts About Space


7 Amazing Facts About Space

You must have heard the name Magnetar. These are objects in space that are so powerful that they destroy the atomic structure of anything that comes close to them. They are just like neutron stars. But Magnetar are much more powerful than these. They are formed in a super nova in a star. Their spin makes their magnetic field many trillions time stronger than the earth’s or sun’s magnetic field. Despite this, their diameter is only 20 to 30 km. The magnetic field of a magnetar can be as much as one billion tesla or 1014 Gauss. It is a thousand times more powerful than a Radio Pulsar. But magnetars revolve much slower than a neutron star. Once in about 10 seconds. The life of such stars can be up to ten thousand years. 


Now let’s talk about the comet Lovejoy or C/2014 Q2. It is named after the man who discovered the comet. It was discovered on August 17, 2014 by Terry Love Joy. This is a long period comet. What makes this comet, so special is the glow of this comet in blue and green colour. Scientist says the cause may be organic molecules and water. Its orbital period is 11 thousand years. It was found to contain Ethanol (which is ethyl alcohol) and Glycol aldehyde (which is simple sugar). This comet is believed to have come into our solar system from the Oort cloud.


7 Amazing Facts About Space
Image source- google | Image by- John Vermette 


This star, which is present in the constellation Ophiuchus, is only 6 light years away from our sun. It is one of the closest star systems after the Alpha Centauri system. The mass of this star is only 14 percent of the sun. The temperature of this star can be up to 32, 00 Kelvin. The star is also orbited by a planet named Barnard’s star b. It is a super earth exoplanet with a mass of 3 times that of the earth. This exoplanet is considered to be the ice planet. The planet was discovered on November 14, 2018. According to scientists, the heat generated by the geothermal process may contain hot water pockets inside which life may be possible.  

7 Amazing Facts About Space
Image source- google | Image by- ESO/M.Kornmesser 

6. NGC 6166

It is an elliptical galaxy about 490 million light years away from us. The most amazing thing about this galaxy is that it has the largest number of globular cluster ever found. This is the result of an in depth study of the galaxy in 2016, it contains approximately 39,000 globularclusters. Due to this it has the richest globular cluster system. The Milky Way galaxy contains far fewer globular clusters than this one. Only about 150 to 180. This galaxy is part of the Abell 2199 galaxy cluster. In addition, it is present in the constellation Hercules.  

7 Amazing Facts About Space
Image source- google | Image by- Judy Schmidt


An electron that orbits the nucleus inside the atom. Almost everyone is aware of sub atomic particles. But do you know how long these electrons' life can be? So its age is 66 thousand Yotta years. One yotta year mean 1028 years. This means that the electrons are almost immortal. The radius of an electron is only 2.82×10^-15 Meter. This means that matter can never be completely eliminated. The first electron in the universe is still present. 

7 Amazing Facts About Space



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