Amazing Facts About Most Brightest And Massive stars Of Universe.

We lived in a very small part of this huge Galaxy. Our Milky Way galaxy is made up of billions of stars. The Sun is the main star of our solar system. The sun is always the brightest star for us because it is the closest thing to the earth. The main star in the solar system is the main source of energy for the planets in that solar system. Each star that appears at the night has its own unique identity. Just knowing about them shows how special those stars are. Sometimes we search for the star in front of which our sun looks very small. Today we will get information about some such stars. These are the stars that try to tell us how bright or massive a star can be. Thousands of telescopes and space telescopes form earth showed us the reality of the universe that we still do not fully understand. Sometime telescopes find stars that how little we understood them. Let’s first know about one such amazing star.

1. Pistol Star

Amazing Facts About Most Brightest And Massive stars Of Universe.
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Just 100 light years from the centre of our Milky Way galaxy, this Pistol Star exists. This star got this strange name because of the nebula in which this star is present. The name of that nebula is Pistol Nebula because it looks like a pistol. Like its name, these stars have very special qualities. The credit for this discovery goes to Don Figer. In 1990, Don Figer discovery the pistol star in Quintuplet Cluster in Sagittarius Constellation through the Hubble Space Telescope and as I mentioned earlier, this star pistol star is present in Pistol Nebula. This Nebula is a dense cloud nebula of excessive gas and dust. New stars are born in the Nebula itself. This pistol star is Blue Hyper giant star, which is about twenty-five light thousands years away from us.

The radius of a pistol star is 212.88 million kilometres. Where the radius of our Sun is 696,340 km. This star is so much bigger than our sun that if the sun is placed in front of it, it will be like a grain of a pea in front of a football. The brightness of this star is too high.  Its brightness is about a million times greater than that of our sun. In addition to this, more energy than our sun release in a year, the energy Pistol star emits in just 20 seconds. It is part of the nebula made a very dense dust and gases which makes its look very blurred. If it is not covered with the dense dust and gases, it can easily see from Earth with naked eye. It is so massive that the solar winds it emits from within are up to a hundred million times stronger than our sun.

Scientists believe that it has extracted about 10 solar masses of material from inside.  Its surface temperature can be around 12000 Kelvin. At the moment the star is shining brightly because of its magnificent qualities. Scientists believe that in the next 3 million years, it will end in the form of a hyper nova. This can be easily seen from thousands of light years away. Scientists have not been able to accurately estimate its age. According to an estimate, the age of this star may be around 4 million years.  Such Blue hyper giant stars consume their energy and material very quickly. As a result, the lifespan of such stars is much shorter. While stars like the sun have a lifespan of billions of years but so far it remains one of the brightest stars.

2.   RMC 136a1  

Amazing Facts About Most Brightest And Massive stars Of Universe.
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  In 1979, scientists were studying the tarantula Nebula at the European Southern observatory for many years. They discovered a multi star system in this Nebula through the observatory’s 3.6 metre telescope. They were named R136a, R123b, and R136c. But scientists soon realize that those three stars were in fact stars clusters. But there was a very special star in the R136a star cluster. This cluster is a cluster of more than 200 stars. These entire stars were very close to each other. All these stars were spread out in just 1.6 light years. All of these star fall into the category of a very special Wolfe Rayet star. Then in 1993, WFPC (wide-field planetary camera), and old device from the Hubble Space Telescope was replaced by Wfpc-2 to detect the eight brightest star in the R136a star cluster. Of which R136a1 was captured. This star was more special than the entire star in that cluster because this star was transcending all limits of luminosity and mass.

This is the star astonished the astronomers. It was R136a1 which was 300 times more massive than the sun. It was a very rare O category Blue supergiant Star. UY scuti, which is the hundreds of times larger than this, has a mass only 30 to 40 times that of the Sun. Its brilliance was so great that it could blind anyone at once. If it were in the place of the sun in our solar system, everyone who saw it on our planet would be blinded in an instant. R136a1 is not only the brightest and most massive star in the universe but also the hottest star. Its surface temperature stays up to 52000 degree Celsius.

Such blue stars consume the fuel contain within them very fast.R136a1 Release as much energy in just 4 to 5 second as the sun does in a whole year. The star is currently in the Tarantula Nebula at a distance of 1,60,000 Light years from us. This Nebula is located outside our Galaxy. This Nebula is located inside the Galaxy large Magellanic cloud, a satellite of our Galaxy. The radius of this star is about 20 million kilometres. Blue supergiant stars are very bright and heavy stars, but they burn the hydrogen inside their core very quickly.  With this, their life span is only a few million years. 

Amazing Facts About Most Brightest And Massive stars Of Universe.

This star was originally discovered long ago in 1960 by the Radcliffe observatory in Pretoria, a city in South Africa. They named it R136, which was present in the centre of the Nebula. But at the time, they considered it the only a star. This was actually a star cluster. The Apparent magnitude of this star is a 12.23, despite being about 1,60,000 light years from Earth. It is about 6.8 million times brighter than the sun.

3. Mira star

Amazing Facts About Most Brightest And Massive stars Of Universe.
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 Mira star, which is about 400 light years from Earth.   Mira in Latin means wonderful or amazing. The     Mira star is as amazing as its name implies.   Astronomers have been wondering since it was   discovered. It is a pulsating and variable category   star. Mira is a part of a binary stellar system located   in the constellation Cetus. This star is also called   Omicron Ceti. On August 3, 1596, David fabrious   was observing Mercury. That's when he realized the   existence of a new star. This new star has never been   seen before. While did David fabrious was   observing  it, he noticed that the star was constantly   growing in size and brightness.  

  It had multiplied its luminosity by sight, up to about   +2.0 magnitudes. This in just a few days made it one    of the brightest stars in the night sky. 

But after a few days, is it begins to lose its light slowly. Then one day it completely disappeared. Astronomers David thought that there might be a supernova in this is star.  Many years later, in 1609, the star reappeared in an unexpected way. Once again, this star had become the brightest star in the sky and then gradually lost its lustre and disappeared.  Astronomers estimate that this change in the star occur after 11 months.

After 11 months it appears and disappears by gradually reducing its brightness. Mira star is a variable star which means that the star can change its size and brightness. Mira is a red supergiant star. Scientists have discovered thousands of such a star so far. When Mira is at full brightness it has an Apparent magnitude of +2.0 but when dimmed its Apparent magnitude reaches +10.0.In the year 1662, Johannes Hevelius Named it Mira. Who had been observing it for many years.

After a more in-depth study by astronomers, it was discovered that this is part of a binary stellar system. In it, two stars orbit each other at the common Barycentre. Its second star is a white dwarf star that orbits it at a distance of 70 astronomical units. This white dwarf star was detected by Chandra x-ray observations. It was named Mira b star. Ultraviolet studies carried out by NASA Space Telescope galex in 2007 revealed that the star has a very long tail. This is caused by the material emanating from this star. Scientists attribute this to the fact that the star is moving at a speed of 130 kilometres per second. Due to which the gas material is being extracted from it in such a way that it has made a tail about 12 light years long. The Scientist estimates its age to be 6 billion years old. The Mira star was one of the first discovered non supernova pulsating variable star.

4. MY Camelopardalis

About 13000 light years from our Earth, a scientist discovered two supermassive stars in the constellation Camelopardalis that were very close to each other.  A few years ago, a group of a scientist discovered this amazing binary star system. This had been considered a single star for many years. Both of these are supermassive stars are O type category stars. According to scientists, these stars are evolving. Both of these Stars are very young stars. According to scientists, these blue supermassive stars may be about 2 million years old. The two stars orbit each other very closely and at very high speed. As the orbit each other so fast, their outer atmospheres touch each other’s.

Amazing Facts About Most Brightest And Massive stars Of Universe.
Image source-google | Image by-  ESO/L.Calçada

Of these, the mass of the largest star is 38 times that of the Sun and the mass of the other star is 32 times that of the Sun. That's why scientists are calling them the most massive blue twins star ever discovered. They complete each other's cycle in just 1.2 days. Their rotational speed is up to 1 million kilometres per hour. This system exists in the Alicante open cluster. Their surface temperature is up to 40,000 Kelvin. According to scientists, the two stars will probably collide with each other millions of years later.

This will give a birth to a new supermassive hyper giant star. This is a because of their outer atmosphere are touching each other causing them to merge with each other. It will be a very energetic event. This will generate unlimited amount of energy. Scientist are understanding of such star systems very deeply and studying them day and night. MY Camelopardalis Are very bright star. They can also be seen through a telescope. These blue stars are very special and scientists are gathering more information about them. Hopefully we will get to know a lot more about such amazing stars.



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