The Way To Understand The "Creation".

 The explosion 13.8 billion years ago that we know today as the Big Bang, was in fact the beginning of space and time itself. Much time has passed since then and now we’re starting to show some interest in it. Everything looks perfect and true until it is broken and seen from inside. There was a time when this Earth was everything to us but when we look at our earthly neighbours, we realize that our scope is vast. We are part of a universe that we have just begun to learn about.

 It started quite mysteriously. So far, we know thousands of planets, stars, asteroids and black holes. The Large Hadron collider, the world’s largest machine, enabled us to make a huge discovery. With which we are trying to know the secret of the universe about which nature does not allow us to guess. Many of the other scientists, such as Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Peter Higgs, tried to understand and explain this universe through mathematics. 

The Way To Understand The "Creation".

These Great scientists have given a huge part of their lives to know the reality of this universe and nature. But what is the real meaning of this universe? What drives it? Why it seems so normal when is working in a very mysterious way. The fact is that when it is not viewed, it behaves differently. Quantum Mechanics that tells us that the same thing can have many possibilities. Subatomic particles can be in many places and in many forms at the same time.

These are the particles that make up everything we see. Whether we are talking about a Human being, a mountain or a distant Planet.  All are made up of atoms. But in the end, who tells the atoms what shape to give to which object. Whereas it is actually determined by the electrons that travels around the nucleus inside the atom. The double slit experiment that took place many years ago revealed some amazing secrets. We discovered that electrons are quite mysterious.

The Way To Understand The "Creation".

When they are seen they behave differently and when they are not observed they behave differently. It proved conclusively that the world is not what it appears to us. While carries with it a lot of possibilities. After the measurement is determined what they are. There are many possibilities for that object before measurement. Before we see it, it will be in its wave form and can be in many places and forms. At the same time. This sounds very strange. 

The Way To Understand The "Creation".

It is absolutely true in quantum physics the subatomic fundamental particles can be in many form at the same time. Many physicists, cosmologist and scientists consider Consciousness to be the key to the universe. Scientist Dr. Robert Lanza believes that this nature works only because of our Consciousness. It was in this context that he published his theory of Biocentrism. You can read this in more depth if you wish. The reason for Dr. Lanza’s theory of Biocentrism is also double slit experiment. Einstein published his theory of General Relativity about a hundred years ago.

But the truth is that today we understand the universe and space only with its help. Many of the predictions made in it are still coming to true today. Albert Einstein’s E=MC2 is not just an equation but a way to understand the universe on its own. This equation makes us understand space, gravity, black holes, and gravitational waves to a great extent. Einstein said that time is relative. Not constant. Time can also be paused or stretched. In fact, travelling at a much faster speed makes time much slower for that person than others.

Of course on Earth this difference will be very small. But if we talk about travelling near the speed of light in space, then this difference can be seen much more. It’s not that Einstein travelled close to the speed of light to find it. It is clear that Einstein explained this through mathematics. Einstein tries to explain gravity to us better. In fact, gravity is just a distortion in space-time fabric. Time passes very slowly near a black hole because it distorts the space-time fabric too much.


The Way To Understand The "Creation".

That is why their gravity is too high. Special Relativity theory explains space to us better. Of these, gravity remains a major puzzle to this day. Gravity is considered to be the weakest of all forces. But we still don't know how it works at the fundamental level.  In the year 2012 we discovered the biggest Discovery, the main reason for creation in the universe. The Higgs Boson particle was detected in the Large Hadron Collider. With this we discovered the existence of Higgs field.

The field by which we find out where the particles get their mass at the basic level and the construction of everything mean how the matter is formed. In fact, Peter Higgs was the first to predict the existence of this field in his a 1964 theory,” The Higgs field theory”.  But everything that is before us today can only be explained after the big bang. The occurrence of that explosion is a huge mystery. The truth is that no matter how big our imagination is, we can't imagine what was released before the big bang or what was going on there at the time. 

Many cosmologists believe that it is futile for us to think this way. That explosion of pure energy means everything to us. Everything we know about it after this Big Bang is like a drop, and all that's left to know is like a huge ocean. All the great scientist of the century has gone through the maths with which they understood and explained this universe. Perhaps we should assume that mathematics is the only way to explain this universe.

It may not sound true at first, but it can be understood slowly. The truth is that numbers are the only thing that can help us to understand everything.  Electronic things like computer and mobile etc. Also run on the program of numbers. We find a distance planet based on the information that is collect in the form of numbers. 

The Way To Understand The "Creation".

 Max Tegmark is a Swedish American cosmologist and scientists. Max believes that it is a mathematics that can accurately describe this universe.  He says that the universe and everything in it is nothing but a mathematical structure. You can also refuse to accept this if you wish. I didn't do much maths in my school, while my friends could do it easily. Maybe it wasn't in my power. Galileo Galilei also said that it is mathematics that reveals the secret of this vast universe. This allows us to talk to God. Because his language is also mathematics.

Most people believe that everything is created by God. He is the only one who runs the whole world and sees everything. People believe that science does not believe in the existence of god. But this is not true. When you begin to know this vast universe, our self-confidence will be towards something that convinced you that it is all the work of someone creator. Perhaps science works to understand that creator. Mathematics is the only way to find his traces. With its help the mysteries of this universe and God can also be understood. Max tegmark believe something similar. 

The Way To Understand The "Creation".

There are some hidden patterns in everything. In their form we can find mathematical patterns. By figuring this out we can explain the things correctly. Tagmark is waiting for an Ultimate equation after which we don't need any more equations. It can also be called the theory of everything. This ultimate equation that will define and predict everything that is part of this vast Cosmos.  Maybe can also unravel the mystery of matter like dark matter and dark energy. if we look, our world looks are right and easy.

But looking down at the surface reveals the secrets.  Through the Hadron Collider today we can break down the particles and look inside them. Our familiar world behaves very differently at the quantum level. This shows us that nothing is solid. The solidity of something is just an illusion. Being a solid is always an illusion in front of us. Each particle has its own mass and spin.

Which we also represent with the numbers. Everything works fine because their numbers are perfectly balanced. Nothing is over or less. But if any difference is made in the numbers of these particle then everything will started to deteriorate. Probably the atoms start colliding together. Nature keeps their number very perfect. At the deep level of nature, information is hidden only in the form of numbers. The universe itself is a world of information.

Information is printed in every particle of this universe. 1 gram of DNA contains more than 200 million GB of information. The only way to understand this information is through mathematics. Probably great scientist like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein knew this long ago. These are the numbers that explain the essence of our reality. In the world of Physics it is called the mathematical Universe hypothesis. We cannot find that ultimate equation until the next Einstein.  The Greek philosopher Pythagoras stated some 2,000 years ago that numbers are the laws of the universe. Numbers in everything are hidden in the form of shapes and geometric pattern.

The planet Orbit their star in a special pattern and shape.  This is called ellipse.  But why not in other pattern.  If we knew this pattern, we can easily tell where the planet will be at this time of year. At first glance this may seem difficult because we do not see the numbers written on the sky or on the houses. The speed of light particles is highest in space. Whose speed is 2, 99,792 km/per sec?  Scientist have proved many things that once existed only in mathematics to be true and brought them to reality.

Hopefully someone will discover the theory of quantum gravity in the near future. Max believes that nature has only mathematical properties because it is a huge mathematical structure in itself. Physicist has named all the fundamental particles like charge, spin, leptons but in fact they are all mathematical numbers. All the equations that have been discovered to date have existed at one time only in imagination.

We have probably always over looked the power of the brain. The more we understand this nature, the stronger our reward will be. Our Technology will be grown and we will able to make our lives better and longer. But if we find out in the future that we were going the wrong way to understand this universe, then all our knowledge will be of no use at that time. But if not, then there is nothing in the universe that cannot be known.  If is really proven that nature has only mathematical properties then theory like multiverse can also be proved right before us.



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