Evidence of life expectancy found on Titan after Venus. NASA confirms C3H2 molecules|2020.

It will probably soon be fully realized that there is a life beyond the earth.  For many years, Titan was believed to have a life in the ocean of liquid methane.  Perhaps we are stepping out in search of life on the earth. In which we are seeing success.       

Evidence of life expectancy found on Titan after Venus. NASA confirms C3H2 molecules|2020.

NASA's scientists have announced that they have detected molecules of cyclopropenylidene or c3h2 in the outer layer of Titan’s atmosphere. In C3H2, C3 means three parts of carbon and H₂ means two parts of hydrogen. These molecules are very rare, because they were the cause of the beginning of life on earth. 

Evidence of life expectancy found on Titan after Venus. NASA confirms C3H2 molecules|2020.

Scientists with high sensitivity radio spectroscopic observations have found evidence of c3h2 molecules in the Titan’s atmosphere. The name of this observatory is Atacama large millimetre/ submillimetre array, which is located in Chily.This, is not the first time that these molecules have been detected by scientists, but even before that they were discovered in a huge cloud of gas and dust in the constellation Taurus, 400 light years away.  But it's very amazing to find carbon-based molecules on a Moon like Titan

 Because they are found in interstellar space. They are more stable in interstellar space because they do not interact with each other much in space.  But on Titan it would react a lot. There must be some kind of life flourishing there. C3H2 are vital to life. Because they are the most important part of DNA and RNA production. They are the cause of the beginning of life on earth 3.8 to 2.8 billion years ago with which so many species are found today.

Evidence of life expectancy found on Titan after Venus. NASA confirms C3H2 molecules|2020.

NASA is preparing to send the space missions to titan in the near future. This will confirm this in more depth. If there is indeed solid evidence of life on Titan then it must be resumed that  life is not in the  habitable zone of the planet or moon from its main star. At Titan, it was already thought that life would be possible on a completely different level. Because there is always chemical and geological activities going on. Titan is as special as its name. The question of the existence of aliens will soon arise.



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