The Complete Story Of "God Particle". From Where Does All the Matter Come From?
God Particle or Higgs Boson
If I asked you where everything we know comes from, most would answer from the matter from which it is made. Then the question arises as to where that matter comes from. So matter comes from the particles that are subatomic. Everything is made of atoms. Everything is basically made up two atoms. Whether we are talking about a stone or a human being. Atoms are able to do this because of the particles inside them.
An electron inside an
atom that orbit protons and neutrons. The orbit around the nucleus of an
electron determined what the object will become. But even further in physics we find that
protons and neutrons also contain quarks.
These quarks are building blocks
of matter. There are six types of quarks.
At the moment we are discussing what all these have to do with the God
particles. The source of the mass of
those quarks or fundamental subatomic particles due to which they form matter
is given to by god particle.
From the god particle we know where the matter originally comes from. Which explain us very well. This tells us where the subatomic particles get their mass. That is how they a build the things we see today, and we ourselves. So do we understand that this god particle is really God to us? Through which the entire creation was created. Let's try understanding this in more depth.
We can easily accept
that this world is just as it seems unless it is at its fundamental level. Everything that happens at Quantum level
determines what happen in our normal world. Quantum physics is very difficult
and beyond our comprehension. Where there are particles inside in particle. The
universe has been full of mysteries since its birth. We don’t know if the big
bang happened or if there was a reason behind it.
What is the God particle theory?
I can say for sure that the whole life will be less to solve
the questions related to it. Everything that we see today such as galaxies,
stars, planets where it all did comes from. It has been discovered by a scientist in the God particle. Everyone must have heard the name of this particle at some
point. So today we will try to find out about god particle or Higgs boson or
Higgs field and why God particle is known by this name. Why this is so
important to us. What’s the story behind it? How and where was it discovered?
In 1964 Peter Higgs was working on his theory. Peter Higgs
is trying to figure out that where the basic particles get its mass from
because there must have been a time after the Big Bang when these particles were
completely massless only then did he predict the Higgs Field. An invisible
field that provides mass to all particles. He said that all particles are
completely massless before they enter in Higgs field. He presented his Higgs
field theory to physicists. He told the world that there are invisible realms
everywhere and at all time in the universe such as electro-magnetic field,
gravitational field, magnetic field and quarks field.
In the same way there are Higgs field everywhere in the universe. This provides mass to basic fundamental particles because every basic particle must have its own mass. At the time, physicists did not know where the particle got its mass from or why there is on mass of light photons. Peter higgs explained that the more a particle interact with the Higgs field, the more mass it has. Light particles have no mass of its own because they are do not interact with higgs field. At the time, his theory was rejected by the physicists. But many physicists supported his theory. Physicists could not believe that an invisible field could give a particle mass.
Discovery of
God Particle
Then in the year 2012 the work of detecting it
experimentally was started. So the world largest machine, the large hadron
collider, was built. The hadron collider was a type of cyclotron. Which help to
change the direction of proton and increase its speed. A positive charged
proton needs enough speed to collide with a particle. This is done with the
help of the large hadron collider. It works just like cyclotron. Contain
electric field and magnetic field. An electric field is applied to increase the
speed of a positive charged proton.-God particle discovery
This puts a force on the proton which increases its speed.
The direction of that proton is changed with the help of magnetic field. it rotates proton. In this way its speed can
be increased several thousand times. The Large Hadron Collider is similar to a
cyclotron but on a much larger scale. This speeds them up a lot. Particles need
a lot of speed to collide with other because both the colliding particles have
a positive charge.
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As we know there were two positive charges are pushing each
other away. It is therefore important that both protons accelerate to 99.99% of
the speed of light so that the pushing effect of both these protons can be
eliminated. So that they can’t push each other away even though they have the
same charge. But it’s not as easy as it sounds. When two particles collide a lot
of particles come out of them. Which are very difficult for the physicists to
study. Scientists also encounter the process of collision of protons with each
other millions of times.-higgs particle discovery
So they can stir in the Higgs field. So the search for the God Particle could be
completed. Scientist needs a perfect collision to reach that particle. The same
work is done in LHC. Scientists create a position after the big bang by
colliding two particles. This will stir up the Higgs Field and give the birth
to a new particle. That would be the decay pattern of that field, and we will find
this field. But is very difficult to reach because they would disappear in a
hundredth million part of a second.
Scientists at CERN, the European authority for management of
the LHC or Large Hadron Collider, on July 4th, announced that they had indeed
found the Higgs boson, otherwise known as the "God Particle" -
so-called because this is the final key in the puzzle of how the universe is
shaped every minute of every day, 365 days per year, for the last 13.7 billion
years and counting.-The God particle theory
Over the last one hundred years of research in Physics, we
have learned that in the sub-atomic world, there are no real particles that we
can find. The basic building blocks of
atoms are actually tiny place-holders in space-time that are there as a
probable point in space and time. They
do not exist in a way that we can say that a baseball exists, or a tree exists
or a cloud. These are things in our
'Real World' that are all composed out of a series of probable events. -discovery of higgs boson
The more solid something is in our world, the more probable
it is that it will persist for a while. All the total probabilities of all the tiny little sub-atomic
particles all add up to what we see, hear, feel, taste and touch. The sum of all probable events is what we
experience in our minds eye each and every day of our lives. For a long while,
we've had to live with this definition of reality. But after the discovery of the energy that
creates all of these probability events, we can start to unravel the string of
events that leads up to every event of our lives and trace it back to a
creative force.
The probability that a quark or an electron or a proton
actually exists really depends on something that supports them from the
'ground-up' so to speak. This duty
belongs to the God Particle, or the Higgs boson. In other words, all of what we call reality
is built up from a series of probabilities.
And, the probabilities themselves are made possible by the interaction
with the God Particle, a piece of the puzzle of Reality that has been missing
up until now.
What we attempt to accomplish
in this book is to give the reader a greater appreciation of how the odds of
any certain event in one's life is computed and then how it is fulfilled
according to these immutable laws of probability. And until the discovery of the God Particle we
humans would be left at that point, only in charge of computing the probability
of certain events taking place on our lives.
When I first learned that the God Particle was likely to be
discovered at the end of last year, I was overwhelmed with the notion that this
could be the most important scientific discovery in history. Why? Because this
tiniest of sub-atomic particles was thought to be the one that gave every other
particle its weight and therefore its purpose. Once an atomic puzzle has an
atomic weight, it slides into a militaristic marching band where all of its
activities from that point on are determined by the elementary properties that
that number imposes upon it.
There are no exceptions to this rule that we have found no
deserters, no drop-outs, and no defections to another element. A particle's
fate, it seems, whether to behave as an electron, a proton, a baryon, or a
quark ion, is determined from the moment that it interacts with the God
Particle Field.
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There are a few notable exceptions to this rule, such as the
photons of light. These apparently do not need to be interacting with the God
Particle and isn't that ironic since in the Bible God purportedly says,
"Let there be light" before he said anything else. Now, it seems, God
actually could have said, "Let light be the only thing in my universe that
is not subject to my particles and let light fall wherever it may, and always
unimpeded." But that's another story.
The real news here is that scientists now find that everything other than light is constantly interacting with the God Particle Field or the Higgs Field. The
field is propagated like every form of energy
that we know about by the God Particles. In actuality, there is no such thing
as a particle as we imagine it, only place-holders in the fabric of space-time.
These place-holders serve as if they were particles, but are not actually
anything solid as you would imagine a particle to be, but are instead tinier
globs of energy that are integral enough to behave as a particle might behave
and thus their reputation.
And the oddest thing
about these sub-atomic particles is that they are the same everywhere. If you could hold up and examine a proton of
Oxygen, for example, it would look and feel and behaves exactly as a proton of
Iron, or Potassium, or Gold. We all
know, you can't breathe Gold or Iron, but it's only the inclusion of a few more
of these little beauties that makes gold and unbreathable solid and a few less
protons that makes Oxygen a breathable gas.
The God Particle is not any different in this respect. They
are place holders but unlike all other particles in the universe they are
ubiquitous, all-pervasive. They have to be in order to do their job in holding
all other elements of the universe together by giving them their identity and
function. When a particle has a mass of one for example, it must act as a
Hydrogen Atom. When it has a mass of 92, it must act like Uranium.
Copper has a mass of 29 and this is why it behaves like
Copper every time it is found. Carbon a
mass of 6 and every atom with this atomic weight, everyone in the universe, of
which there are untold trillions of googolplexes of them, will always act like
Carbon. And so on and so on, all of
which is upheld by the God Particle Field, flowing all around everything and
giving everything and the everywhere its shape.
It is only the interaction of the God Particle on all the
elements in the universe that makes them do what they do for us. Isn't that mind-boggling? Try to imagine in your own mind a more compact
and perfect way to design the workings of the universe. I bet you cannot.
This part of what I have to say is not an exact Science, but
only because it was not deduced from the workings of an accredited Scientific
laboratory. But it is an ongoing
experiment that exists in the laboratory of my mind. I have known for
practically all my life that the major events taking form and creating patterns
in my life were irresistible, inexorable and irreversible. Some of the greatest
moments of my life it seems, and most of the least favourite moments had been
caused by forces totally outside of my control. But what those forces were,
where they came from, whom or what was behind them was always a mystery - until
In future instalments I hope to be able to outline precisely
how the interaction with the God Particles can be determined by any person who
wants to learn more about the functioning of their lives in the context of
having a purpose that is intended by a higher power. It's tremendously ironic
to me that the scientific community who are mostly comprised of atheists would
unintentionally call the Higgs boson the God Particle.
The folks at the Large Hadron Collider who discovered the
God Particle hate that this name has stuck because they do not want to imply in
any way that all of the infinite impact of these bosons cold have anything to
do with God. The name only stuck because that was the intention of the
particles themselves to make them known at this time. I believe they wanted to be discovered and so
all of the events leading up to the ten billion dollar instrument that is the
Large Hadron Collider was also part of the intention to be revealed.
Therefore, if I was part of the scientific group who
discovered the God Particle I would be trumpeting the information that we had
found evidence that God exists from the highest mountains, but being Atheists
mostly, they are not going to do that.
It's left to people like me.
Again, the evidence that I am using is their own scientific declaration
that the FORCE that creates all other forces in the universe has been
They don't want to frame this magical discovery in exactly
those words. But, what do you call it,
when they say that their most widely accepted theory of Quantum Physics holds
that there has to be a particle or wave that imparts the mass upon every other
particle in the universe, except for light?
What does that really mean? Mass
is nothing more than momentum to these same scientists. There is no such thing as weight as we think
about it when we step on the scales to determine if our diets are working. This is an illusion.
Mass is purely the
resistance that our bodies have to being pushed around. That's it.
We are mostly composed of empty space.
There is really nothing solid about us or anything else in the universe.
So, when they say that the God Particle, the thing that
gives "mass" to every other thing in the universe, they are really
saying the force that gives the forces that make everything else work in the
universe to behave the way it does, and that one single super-force is the God
Particle. And further proof is that all
of the God Particles that exist today, stitching and gluing everything together
for us, were created in the first trillionth of a trillionth of the first
second of the Big Bang.
They had to be, because they created all of the protons and
electrons that are in existence today after the first few hours of the Big
Bang, and is probably still going on today as the universe expands. So, the very subtle workings of the Creator
are now not so subtle and the rest of the story is very likely to unfold over
the next couple hundred years of further research into this amazing process. The most profound part of our existence that
has been hidden from us all for so long is now being revealed.
Some of us never find our purpose in life. And some of us
never even think about their lives purpose, and instead stumble around blindly
tackling their daily chores as if they may even prefer not knowing their
purpose and only reacting to whatever life throws at them. Sadly, I'm afraid
this represents the vast majority of humans on the planet at this time.
Evolution teaches us that these metaphysical needs are not as important as
plain old survival of the fittest, so for most of us, these more ethereal
assessments of our lives are unimportant or unappreciated. And yet, it may be
the most important element of our lives and if missed be able to mean a life
completely unfulfilled, a deeper connection with the world unattained.
And here's the proof of all this for the scientific
community or anyone else to digest.
According to Einstein's most well-known equation, E= Mc2 - Energy is
always proportional to the mass of an object multiplied by the speed of light -
Squared. Since all mass in the universe is derived from the God Particle, then
it also follows that GpE (God Particle Energy) is equal to all the mass in the
universe multiplied by the speed of light squared. So, we merely substitute the energy of the
God Particle into the 'E' of the Equation so it reads as follows:
GpE = M(u) C2
Einstein said "The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible." In other words, all the secret inner workings of the universe is not that difficult to understand.
Why It
Called God Particle
Most of people know the higgs boson by the name of God
particle. This name is comes from the Leon Lederman. In fact, he wrote a book
on the subject of God particle or Higgs Boson. But he named his book “the
Goddamn Particle. But somehow their publisher changed the name to the God
Particle. Which later become very popular.
But many people also associate it with the God. They named it God
particle because it sounded like a good name to them.
What is "The Higgs Field"
This is the field that provides mass to all massless particles. This field has no existed since the beginning of our universe. Most of physicists believe that the particles that existed after the big bang must have remained massless. We know that particles that have mass of their own travel at the speed of light. This field started long after the big bang.
Scientist still does not know how and when this invisible field began. This Higgs field was the cause of matters formation. But how could this invisible field have finally started. It just like someone activated higgs field after the big bang. This is a very important part of the universe. Without it, matter cannot exist in the universe. Most people assume that the Higgs Boson gives mass to all these particles.
This is not true. This is actually the Higgs field. This higgs Boson is a particle that is formed by stir in this field. This field remains the same everywhere and at all time. Whether we are talk in our home or on a distant planet.
Why God Particle is important
It was only after its Discovery that it becomes clear where all the matter that came into existence after the big bang came from. This means where all the visible things in the universe like galaxies, Stars, planets and other object came from. If this field does not exist then no elementary particle has its own mass with which matter would never have existed.
So that all elementary particles are travel at the speed of light in the space. So that electrons do not orbit the nucleus, nor do atoms form, nor do anything else and with the matter could never be formed. The mass of the quarks is the highest because they interact the most with this field. Photons have no mass of their own because they do not interact with it. I
f we get to know the god particle
more deeply, we can unravel the mystery of dark matter and dark energy because
95% of our universe is a made up of this dark matter. Only 5% of this universe
has normal matter. This is made up of atoms.
We can also find another hidden dimension through the Large Hadron
Collider. This makes string theory accurate
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