Discoveries That Will Increase Your curiosity In Space.

Diamond planet

In 2004 astronomers Michael Endl,Fritz Benedict, William Cochran, Barbara Mc Arthur, From Yale University discovered a planet made entirely of Diamond .This planet is named 55 CANCRI an exoplanet that orbit its main star 55 CANCRI A . If we are talking about its size, its size is twice as big as the Earth. Due to the large amount of graphite in high pressure and the increase in temperature that planet has completely turned into a diamond .This planet is 40 light years away from us. It surfaces temperature is always 2700 degrees Celsius .It completes its star orbit in just 18 days. Its radius is about 12000 km where Earth is 6371 km.That is why it is also called Super Earth. Since the planet is a diamond, Scientist say it orbit its main star from a very short distance. So with that the rising temperature ,graphite has turned into a Diamond that is 10 billion trillion trillion carat .If we talk about the price of a diamond for this whole planet , it will come out to be about 26 nonillion. That is written 30 zeros after 26.That is far more than the entire G.D.P. of our planet .It is one of the few stars systems closest to us.

UY scuti is not any more the biggest star

UY scuti which was believed to be the biggest star ever discovered. But new research shows that this discovered star is challenging it in size .The diameter of the UY scuti is 2.3765 km which is 1700 times more than our Sun. And 7 to 10 times more massive.UY scuti is located at a distance of 5100 light years from away to us. But scientists have discovered a star that has astonished them. This star is known as Stephenson 2-18 or RSGC2-18. This red super giant star is located is the constellation scutum at a distance of 20 thousand light years from us. This star is evolving with 26 other companion stars in the open star cluster. It is 4 lakhs 30 thousand times brighter than the sun. Its radius can be more than 2100 times that of the sun. According to statistics, the star can extend up to 10 AU (astronomical unit) . Astronomers are expected to explore more super giants and planets in the near future.

Triple star system

In the year 2019,NASA’s Hubble Telescope has discovered a very special type of exoplanet just 22 light years away. This planet is actually part of the triple star system. All three stars in this star system are a dwarf star, but they are much older than our sun. There is only one planet in this strange star system named LTT1445AB. This planet is 1.4 times bigger than our Earth. Due to the existence of three suns, its surface temperature remains 155 degree Celsius. It reminds us of the planet tatooine in the Star Wars films.

Pulsar Planet

In 2011, Matthew Bailes discovered an extra solar planet whose host star would amaze you and the orbit of the planet ever more. The Main Star of the Extra Solar planet is actually a pulsar which this planet has been orbiting. It completes the rotation of this pulsar in just 2 hours. This pulsar is named PSRJ1719 1438 and the name of the planet is PSRJ1719 1438 B. It exists at a distance of 4000 light years from us in the Serpens Causda Constellation .This millisecond pulsar rotates around its orbit 640 times a second. Its diameter is only 20 km. On the contrary, the planet it is 3000 times larger. There are absolutely amazing things of the blind in the universe that we can only see but not to go. But on the day it will be possible to visit them.

The Strongest metal of the universe

Do you know about the strongest metal in the world? So most people will answer about steel, tungsten, titanium or graphene. But is the strongest metal in this entire universe? So the answer is Nuclear Pasta. Scientists believe that nuclear pasta may be the strongest thing in the universe. Because it is at the Centre of neutron star. It is so dense that one drop is as heavy as a pyramid. These stars are formed when a supernova explodes in a star. Scientists are still trying to figure out these strange stars. They can be up to 20 km in diameter. But their mass can be many times greater than the sun. Neutron stars are made up mostly of Neutron, about 95 percent of neutrons. The nuclear pasta up to 10 billion times stronger than steel.

Earth’ second moon

Many people would be surprised to know that there are currently two moons of Earth. It is absolutely true that, this asteroid named 2020 CD3 is orbiting the earth. It was discovered on February 15, 2020 by two astronomers, Theodore A.Pruyne and Kacper W.Wierzchos. This object was orbiting the sun but later it got caught in the gravitational force of the earth’s moon and now it is orbiting the earth. It has a mass of 4,897 kg.It is about the size of a car. 2020cd3 takes 376 days to complete one orbit around the earth.

Star like Sun

Epsilon Edreni is a planetary system that is only 10 light years away from us. Epsilon Edreni is a K2V type star discovered in 2000 by a group of astronomers led by Artie Hatzes. If we talk about the temperature of this star than it is estimated to be 5000 degrees kelvin. This star is thought to have a planet. Named Epsilon Edreni B. It has also been confirmed that there are two asteroid belts around this star. This star looks a lot like our sun. Because it has the same characteristics as our sun. Its planet Epsilon Edreni B is a gas giant. It Which orbits its star at a distance of about 3 AU (astronomical Units). It takes seven years to complete one of the cycle. The age of this star has been estimated by scientists to be 800 million years. Magnetic activities with in this star system are increasing on a much larger scale. It is constantly emitting about 30 times more stellar wind than our sun star. It is also called the young form of our sun. This is mentioned in many films and TV shows.



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