Is our universe moving inside a black hole ?


As we know the Big bang happened 13 billion years ago. Because of Big bang everything came into existence that we know everything and all that remains to be known .The scientists has different theories on whether the big bang happened or not, but now it has been completed proven that there was a big bang .But some scientists believe that their entire universe is moving inside a black hole .There is a reason for them to believe so, which may be true.
Is our universe moving inside a black hole ?

Because we still don’t know what exactly happens inside a black hole .Or whatever goes inside the black hole, where does it end up. But we know how black hole is formed .scientists believe that their entire universe could be inside one black hole , Because there are many similarities between the big  bang and a black hole . Just like when the big bang happened, the whole universe was contained in one small Atom. Which is also called singularity .Similarly, when a star becomes a black hole, it also collapses in its own gravity until it also changes to singularity and then it turns into a black hole. Where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot cut. In a black hole gravity is so strong because matter has squeezed into tiny space .So this may be because our entire universe is moving inside a black hole . It is possible that a black holes may be the means of entering to the another universe.

At one, as far as we know we do not have any solid evidence of this .Right now it just a theory .But the funny thing about science s that it always has to know something. The universe is infinite everything is a small universe in itself whether is at the level of the galaxy or at the level of the quantum. There is no end to the universe



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