Top 26 Unbelievable Facts About Stars

1. Pulsating Variable stars are stars in the universe that shrink and expand their outer layers to maintain    balance, Due to which their light fluctuates when viewed from the earth. Omicron Ceti star is its main   candidate. — Interesting Facts About Stars

Top 26 Unbelievable Facts About Stars

2. The star RMC 136a1 is considered to be the most energetic star, it is a star in the Wolf-Rayet category which is considered to be the hottest star of all the stars, such stars have a very large amount of heavy elements. stars facts

3. The PSR B0943 + 10 pulsar discovered by Soviet astronomers in December 1968, which is 2000 light years away from us, has the status of being the hottest pulsar  star with a temperature of up to 3,100,000 k. mind-blowing facts about stars

4. Part of a triple star system, called EBLM J0555 - 57 Ab, about 600 light-years from Earth, is considered to be the smallest discovered star. Despite being a star, it has the same radius as Saturn. interesting stars facts

5. Nu Scorpii, a multiple star system 470 light-years from Earth, has been found by scientists to be in fact a Septuple star system. There are seven stars in this star system. 

6. The two stars in the constellation Libra are HD 134439 and HD 134440 and are both K-types, hypervelocity stars. But the strangest thing about them being in a binary system is that the two stars orbit each other at distances of about 8,900 astronomical units.

7. The Gliese 570 star system, which is only 19 light-years from us, is actually a Quaternary star system, meaning that it has 4 stars. Also its primary star is an orange dwarf star.  In the year 2000 the possibility of an exoplanet in this system was ruled out.unbelievable facts about stars

Top 26 Unbelievable Facts About Stars

8. Speaking of the Quaternary star system, we know that the Quintuple star system, V1054 Ophiuchi, located in Ophiuchus Constellation, has five stars. The strange thing is that all these stars are red dwarf stars, and this system exists only 21 light years from us.

9. A Mira variable named S Cassiopeiae located at a distance of 3,400 light years from us is said to be the coolest normal star. The star has a temperature of only 1,800 K. Surrounded by dense gas and dust on all sides, the star is constantly losing its mass.

10. Today, almost everyone knows about the Sirius star, the brightest star in the night sky, just 8.5 light-years away. But did you know that Sirius is slowly approaching our solar system, so in the next few thousand years it will look a little brighter to facts about stars

11. Arcturus is the fourth brightest star in the night sky, as well as the closest red giant to Earth, just 36 light-years away. Its age is up to 7 billion years and its size is increasing even more. —cool things about stars

12. A star named BAT99 - 98 found in a cluster of Milky Way Galaxy's satellite galaxy called The Large Magellanic Cloud,    According to scientists; it is 225 times more massive than the sun. This is a very young Wolf -Rayet star who is 2 million years old.—biggest stars of the universe

13. The radius of a red super giant star named Stephenson 2-18, discovered by American astronomers in 1990, was estimated to be about 2,100 times greater than the Sun. Which makes it the largest star ever discovered.

14. The nearest binary Brown Dwarf system is the Luhman 16 star system at Vela Constellation, just 6.5 light years from the Sun. These two brown dwarf stars complete one orbit of each other in 27 years from a distance of 3.5 astronomical units.

Top 26 Unbelievable Facts About Stars

15. In an open cluster at a distance of about 4 kiloparsecs, there are two very bright 0-type stars, but the most amazing thing about them is that their outer layers touch each other. This system is called MY Camelopardalis. 

16. The S5-HVS1 in the constellation Grus in November 2019 is a star of the A-type main sequence. The most amazing thing about this star is that its velocity is 1,755 km per second.

17. The star S5 - HVS1 is believed to have been injected by the Milky Way Galaxy's Sagittarius A.

18. The ULAS J0015 + 01 star, about 900,000 light-years away, is a star that is gravitationally bound to the Milky Way galaxy despite being so far away. It was discovered on July 10, 2014.

19. Did you know that there are stars in the universe that come back as a star after a supernova? Such stars are called Zombie stars.— weird star facts

20. Have you ever heard of Flares stars? These stars are stars that suddenly increase their brightness within of minutes; this is due to a lot of magnetic activity on a star. Due to which solar flares rise from the surface.

21. The closest flare star to the Sun is Proxima Centauri, which is only 1.3 parsecs away.

22. Now we know of a star that was discovered by scientists only through gravitational lensing, hence its name MACS J1149 Lensed Star 1 which is about 14 billion light years away from us.

23. This star exists in the constellation Leo and at the same time has the Redshift z = 1.49 of this lensed star which makes it the farthest discovered star.

24. BPM 37093 is actually a white dwarf star about 50 light-years away from us, the most special thing about this high mass white dwarf star is that it is a pulsating variable star. Pulsating the white dwarf star causes a lot of fluctuations in its brightness.—interesting things about stars

25. Which scientists say is caused by non-radial gravity waves pulsation. This pulsating white dwarf star is present in Centaurus constellation.— amazing things about stars

26. The star is rich in elements such as carbon and oxygen, and is 1.1 times more massive than the Sun.  The BPM 37093 star is also known as the Diamond Star.



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