11 Biggest Facts About Comets

What Are Comets (comet facts) What we know about comets is that comets are small solar system bodies and they are usually made up of dust, ice and rock particles. These things are key to its nucleus. Observing comets has been a very special place in astronomy. Therefore, in astronomy, comets are divided into several parts: Short Period Comets and Long Period Comets. The orbits of almost all comets are highly eccentric, rising towards the sun and getting hot due to solar radiation and solar winds, from which we can see gas tails. What we know as comet tails, but this process is called outgassing. By the way, it has two tails, a gas tail and a dust tail. Comet tails can sometimes be as long as an astronomical unit. Short Period Comets (interesting comet facts) Now let's talk about the features of the Short Period Comet, which originally came from the Kuiper Belt or also from the Scattered Disc. Also called periodic comets, their orbital period can be 200 years or less. At th...