Top 7 biggest Space Discoveries

Top 7 biggest Space Discoveries

 1. Kepler - 90

Kepler-90 is a G-type main sequence star just like our Sun. This star is named 2 MASS JI857 4403 + 4918185. This name is too long for this star. G-type stars are also called yellow dwarf stars. Such stars process nuclear fusion by converting hydrogen into helium gas which produces energy. The Kepler-90 was discovered on December 14, 2017. Interestingly, it was discovered by NASA and Google. The data was analysed with the help of Google's machine learning method. It is also called Artificial Intelligence. The most important thing about the Kepler-90 star is that it has been confirmed to have 8 planets just like our solar system. 

This star exist in the constellation Draco at a distance of 2,840 light years from us. The number of star and planets in this star system corresponds exactly to our solar system, with the possibility that many of its planets may be in the habitable zone. The surface temperature of Kepler-90 is assumed to be 5,700 Kelvin. The surface temperatures of G-type stars range from 5,000 to 6,000 Kelvin. Both its mass and radius are about 120 percent of the Sun's. This star is estimated to be up to 2 billion years old. The first planet in this system is named b and so are the other planets c, d, e, f, g, h and i. As its name suggests, it was discovered by the Kepler mission. The distance of this Star system from us prevents us from knowing much more about it. That's a huge drawback.

2. Sarswati Supercluster

The Saraswati Super Cluster was discovered by a research team in Pune, India. The team was led by Professor Joydeep Bagchi. Thanks to the hard work of an astrophysicist team from the Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics and the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, we were able to learn about the Saraswati super cluster. It is one of the largest structures in our universe. This super cluster is four thousand million light-years away from us. This cluster contains approximately 43 galaxy clusters.

 Also part of this is the Abell 2361 and ZWCl 2341.1 + 0000 galaxy cluster. Saraswati Supercluster is surrounded by a network of galaxy filaments, clusters and Cosmic Voids. Saraswati Supercluster is surrounded by a network of galaxy filaments, clusters and Cosmic Voids. The mass of this cluster is estimated to be 2 × 1016. This cluster exists in the constellation Pisces. This cluster is surrounded by galaxy filaments. These form the boundaries between the giant cosmic voids. Their formation looks like a thread. They can range in length from 200 to 400 light years. They are also called galaxy walls or super cluster complexes.

3. KEPLER -442b

Revolutionary advances in telescope technology have led to the discovery of exoplanets in distant space, many of which we believe to be like Earth. Because maybe they also appear in the habitable zone of their star. Kepler-442b seems to be a strong candidate in our search for Earth-like planets. That's why Kepler-442b, discovered on January 6, 2015, is considered quite special. The distance of this planet from us is considered to be about twelve hundred light-years. Kepler-442b was discovered by NASA's Kepler spacecraft. Which had been keeping an eye on Kepler -442b’s star for a long time, because the transit method was used to find out. 

This Exoplanet orbits its main star Kepler 442. An in-depth study of the planet revealed its merits. Is larger in size than our earth. Its radius is estimated to be 8,537 km. In terms of mass, it is 2.36 times larger than Earth. Its composition seems to be very similar to that of the Earth. Its main star is a k -type main sequence star. The surface temperature of its main star is 4,402 Kelvin. In this system, the planet completes one orbit around its star in 112 days. It has been confirmed that the planet is in the habitable zone of its star. This means the presence of solid ground and liquid water on its surface. But the planet's gravity is 30 times stronger than Earth's. It may be a new home for human civilization in the future. But its distance from us will remain a great challenge, which is equal to thousands of years.


Almost everyone will be well aware of Pulsars today. But the Vela Pulsar came before scientists with some special features. Its distance from us is only 800 light-years. It is also known as PSR JO835-4510. This famous pulsar was discovered in 1968 by a team of astronomers at the University of Sydney. It’s actually a radio, optical pulsar. At the same time it emits X-rays and gamma rays. Needless to say, Vela Pulsar is a supernova remnant. It must have been born after the end of a very massive star from the sun. Which was a type 11 supernova. 

This explosion must have occurred about 11,000 to 12,000 years ago. This is a very bright object that is directly related to Vela Supernova Remnant. This moment is present in the constellation Vela. It spins very fast. Vela Pulsar rotates about 11 times per second. It is also known for its glitches. This causes the pulsar speed to increase suddenly after a while. This happens in an average of three years. Despite this, it could not be accurately predicted. Because it happens quite randomly all of a sudden. Which remains the subject of considerable discussion.

5. Coma Cluster

The coma star cluster is one of the closest open star clusters ever discovered. Open clusters usually contain only a few thousand stars. All of these stars are about the same age and have the same composition. Nearly a thousand open clusters have been discovered along the Milky Way galaxy. One such open cluster is the comma star cluster. It is known by different names like Melotte 111 and Collider 256. This open cluster is only 280 light years away from us. There are 40 stars that are extremely bright. It is currently present in the constellation Coma Berenices. Many more details about this cluster remain to be explored. Scientists are investigating this in depth.

6. UGPS J0722 -0540

This is actually a Rouge Planet. But the most surprising thing is that it is only 13 light-years from Earth. This is a Late T-type Brown Dwarf. But it is more likely to be a wandering planet. Its presence is found in the constellation Monoceros. The first image of this object was captured on November 28, 2006. Which was conducted by (UKIDSS) Ukirt Infrared deep sky survey. At the same time the proper motion of this rouge planet could also be detected. Its volume is the same as that of Jupiter. But its mass is equal to 5 to 40 Jupiter masses. Its surface temperature was found to be between 480 and 500 Kelvin. The radial velocity of this wandering planet is recorded at 46.9 Kilometers per second. Its promotion is approximately 970 milliarcseconds per year.

7. Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy

The Milky Way galaxy consists of about 59 small satellite galaxies that are gravitationally bound to it. One such satellite galaxy is Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy. This galaxy is present in the constellation Sagittarius. Its distance from our earth is about 70,000 light years.

It was discovered in 1994 by Rodrigo Ibata, Mike Irwin and Gerry Gilmore. It is one of the closest galaxies to the Milky Way galaxy. Its diameter can be as much as 10,000 light years. An in-depth study has revealed the presence of four clusters (of which M54 is the brightest cluster). It looks like a fairly ancient galaxy. Evidence of interstellar dust has also been detected. Most of the population 11 types stars found in this galaxy are known as metal poor stars.

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