What If The Next Day We Meet An Advanced Alien Civilization?

Until five centuries ago, it was believed that there is only on earth in the entire universe and that this is the centre of the entire universe. All the stars in the night sky revolve around the earth. But in the year of 1558, Giordano Bruno was born. Giordano Bruno appeared in 1600 AD and stated that the earth is not the centre of the universe but a small part of it. The light visible in the night sky is actually the stars like the sun, which have planets and moons of the planets and have life on them just like on our earth. The universe is infinite in every direction; it has no centre and no boundaries. Earth like planets is innumerable in the universe. But the clergy refused to believe him.

They were not at all prepared to believe that there could be life beyond the earth. Giordano Bruno was prosecuted and forced to change his mind. But he did not change his mind at all. He had realized the depth of this universe. So there was no fear in him. He was tried and given very severe punishment Just because a refuse to accept that there only life on earth. Giordano Bruno was a philosophical, theorist, cosmologist and poet. But later after the invention of the telescope, things changed. 

Galileo Galilei was amazed by what he saw with the telescope. Galileo Galilei stated that Giordano’s claim is absolutely correct and today we started sending our spacecraft into interstellar space. To date we have seen a very large part of this universe which lasts 46 billion light years. There is no end to the numbers of stars and their planets. Every year we discover new stars, planets, black holes, pulsars, asteroids etc. Looking for life on new planets because we know of only one kind of life on earth.

That is why new planets are discovered every year by thousands of telescopes spread across the earth because we have no desire to believe that there is only life on earth in this infinitely vast universe. So far we have begun to find evidence of life on many planets and even on our neighbouring planets like Venus and the titan moon but not solid evidence.  

What If The Next Day We Meet An Advanced Alien Civilization?

But what if the next day an intelligent advanced alien civilization finds us and makes its presence known to all? What will be our situation all that time? May be they were watching us long ago and they come looking for the life of the earth. According to the University of Nottingham, they have found evidence of about 36 intelligent alien civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy.  What are the similarities between them and us? What would they look like? It looks like a science fiction movie. Many movies try to portray aliens as good but others portray them as anti-humans.

But reality may be very different. About space we know that it is very large and it takes a long time for light to move in it and knowledge of mathematics and physics is the most important thing to travel in space. Without them, space cannot be understood. Galileo Galilei also said that mathematics is the language of GOD. So the universe can be understood. So if they reach us then they must have knowledge of mathematics and most importantly a language.

They and we should have these two things in common. But traveling at the speed of light is absolutely impossible. May be they will use another dimension or a wormhole with they crossed the distance of thousands of years in just a short time. What they look like depends on the type of planets they came from. Especially the gravity of their planet, the distance of their planet from their host star, planetary atmosphere, temperature etc. We will also have a lot of questions about them, what the part of the universe they come from, how advanced their technology is, do they believe in god if they do then have met their god or not how much they know about this universe.

What If The Next Day We Meet An Advanced Alien Civilization?

 Do they know the secret of the universe that we still searching for, such as how the big bang happened or not, it happened then what happened before. What is outside the universe because space is constantly expanding but in what is it? The most important thing is whether they will be good or bad. Whether they are good or bad it depends a lot on us. If we go to a planet where there is life so how we treat them? Even if there is a species evolving like humans or they will be treated like In the same way as other living things on the planet. The possibility that will do the same with us cannot be ignored or it will be a step towards a cosmic relationship for us.

In addition, most people think that if we meet an alien species, they will share their knowledge and technology with us. May be it could be? Another possibility is that they come to our earth only to get natural resources as shown in most movies. But that should not be the case at all because the elements that are found on earth are not rare in this universe. Elements found on earth are found everywhere in this vast universe. Whether we are talking about water, natural gases, gold or iron. Even on earth, such element comes from space millions of year ago.

Therefore, it is very unlikely that the will only come to get the Elements present on the earth. But the truth is a little harder for us to guess because reality can be very different. Many peoples claim that the intelligent alien life we are looking for has always existed on earth and that they have always kept an eye on us.

The Fermi Paradox

If this is true then how can this are proved? This thinking has given many new paradoxes which scientists have also explained. One of these is “The Fermi Paradox”. It was given by Enrico Fermi in 1950. He was a physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. He said that there are billions of stars in the galaxies and that the stars have their own planets on which life is possible. The number of planets on which life existed can be in the millions.

There may be intelligent beings on many of these planets. Which will probably be involving? But after all we still don’t know where they are. Why can’t we find them? Many people were unable to answer the questions raised in this paradox. Perhaps we should understand that there is only life in Earth in the entire universe.

 The Zoo hypothesis

But in 1973 Radio astronomers John Ball told the world about the Zoo hypothesis in response to the fermi paradox. This interpretation of John Ball is considered the most. According to the Zoo Hypothesis, The way we keep animals in cage in zoo, we keep them in a limited area. All animals are given a place to live in that particular place with which we can see them but we have no access to them. Something similar happened to us according to john ball’s hypothesis.

According to him, an advanced intelligent civilization has set its sights on us but in this hypothesis the zoo is our whole earth. The whole earth is like a laboratory. “They’ are probably watching us evolve naturally,” he said. They have not come before us because the time has not yet come for us to face them. May be we have not developed that much. They want us to find them ourselves, so they will not come before us. They are probably waiting for a special time to contact us directly.

That is why many people see the earth as a prison. May be that’s it. The zoo hypothesis also states that there is one of the most advanced civilization in the universe. It will be the oldest and advanced civilization in the universe. This is preventing us from meeting any other extra-terrestrials civilization. Who does not want us to face another alien civilization until we ourselves become so advanced? So maybe we have not discovered life on a planet yet.


What If The Next Day We Meet An Advanced Alien Civilization?

Every year many people claim to see a U.F.O or an alien. Most of people say that they have always been coming to earth. But the truth is never completely revealed. The reason is that those photos and videos very blurry or of very poor quality. As a result, they are never considered completely true. I don’t know how much truth there is in it. But it is certain that where there is the slightly possibility of life, there can be life. No matter what form it takes there is no special element on earth that cannot be found on any other planet in the universe. 



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